Why is a backflow test necessary? Backflow prevention devices play an essential role in safeguarding our drinking water. The State of Colorado mandates an annual inspection of your backflow preventer. The results of this inspection must be documented and provided to both you and your local water authority by the inspector. Subsequently, the water authority reports the compliance status within their district to the state.

Black Flag Backflow is a veteran owned and operated business in northern Colorado.

Colorado’s water resources are increasingly under pressure due to rapid growth in recent years. The protection of our water resources is now more critical than ever. Black Flag Backflow is dedicated to offering prompt, precise, and professional testing of backflow prevention devices to ensure that harmful contaminants do not infiltrate our drinking water supply.

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How does backflow happen?

Backflow events occur when the water pressure in the main supply drops, leading to back siphonage. Water from your sprinkler system, which may contain harmful stagnant or contaminated water, could be drawn back into the main supply, potentially contaminating your home’s drinking water. Backflow prevention devices ensure that once water enters your sprinkler system, it cannot return to the main supply during a low-pressure event, thus safeguarding the drinking water for you and your neighbors.”

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